Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

The main reason responsible for pericardial mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can damage different portions of your body. Similar to other mesothelioma forms, symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma can take ten to fifteen years to show up. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you will find cancerous tissues around the heart lining. The pericardium plays a vital part in body functioning especially when it comes to protecting your heart.


Tissue expansion and fluid accumulation will happen when there is a fast growth of the cancerous tumors. The fluid can have a negative impact on the proper functioning of your heart causing irregular heartbeat and chest pain. When you complain of chest pain, you are going to be diagnosed. Some of the less common symptoms of this disease are cough, fever, fatigue and shortness of breath.

Individuals suffering from pericardial mesothelioma can exhibit all three types of mesothelioma cancer cells. It includes epithelioid mesothelioma, biphasic mesothelioma and sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Your prognosis can be affected by the kind of cancer cells. Recent study has come to the conclusion that individuals with biphasic mesothelioma cancer cells normally have a shorter life expectancy.

Cancer surgery is not a good option for individuals that are diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma. Prognosis for patients of pericardial mesothelioma is grim and often palliative treatment is an only option available for them. By opting for this treatment, your overall life quality is going to improve. Another good thing about this treatment is that it decreases the complexity of symptoms that happen because of fluid buildup in the pericardium. To get rid of excess fluid, there is a strong possibility that fine needle routine can be implemented. Radiation therapy can also play a significant part in removing excess fluid.

Accurate and quick pericardial mesothelioma diagnosis is tough because of the non-specificity of the symptoms. To diagnose this form of cancer, your health care provider needs to take into consideration your symptoms, past medical record and current medical state. In the initial stage, all the focus is on the medical records and conducting physical examination.

To evaluate the exact location of cancer, your health care provider will conduct plenty of imaging tests. MRI tests are the way to go if you are looking to get an idea of cancer stage. The diagnosis of pericardial mesothelioma ends with a biopsy. The main objective of doing biopsy is to get a proper understanding of the cancer origin point.

While there is still no cure for mesothelioma cancer, the forms of treatment and care are being worked on so that the life expectancy of patients can increase. New and improved methods of treatments are being tested to work on the quality of patient's life and reduce pain.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer is a very deadly disease which costs life of many people every year. Cancer is a deadly disease because it shows almost no symptoms in the early stages. The victim who fall prey to it does not even know that he is suffering from the deadly cancer disease. So, it is important to diagnose lung cancer in an early stage to get rid of it. Though, it is hard to prevent this disease, but the early symptoms of it can be caught to prevent it from further growing. Let us discuss various symptoms of lung cancer which can help in diagnosing it at an early stage.

The first symptom of lung cancer is low rate of breath. The person affected with lung cancer experiences shortness in breath and this symptom is called as dyspnea. Blood coughing is another symptom of lung cancer and it is medically called as hemoptysis. This symptom is generally related with hematemesis which is blood vomiting. The other warning of cancer is experiencing ache during coughing. Any change in the style of coughing can be a sign or symptom of lung cancer. The symptoms like quick weight loss, feeling of excessive exhaustion, and no desire of eating any kind of food stuff are some of the main symptoms of lung cancer. Person suffering with lung cancer may also experience chest pain.

There are other symptoms of cancer which generally show up but can occur in some of the patients. These symptoms include hoarseness in speech and change in voice tone. In medical term hoarseness is known as cachexia. It is a strong indication of lung cancer. The patient suffering from lung cancer experiences pain while swallowing solid food stuff. The victim also experiences swelling on face and also on the neck region. Swelling in neck occurs because of the blockage in lymph nodes and that of face is because of the blockage in main blood vessel. The other symptom of lung cancer is clubbing of fingers or irregularity in fingers. This symptom is very uncommon but can be a big symptom of cancer. Pain in shoulders can also be a symptom of lung cancer. Pain in bones, experiencing weakness of the muscles and eyelids are rare symptoms of lung cancer.

There are some other symptoms too which occur because of the hormones secreted by the lung cancer. These symptoms are extension of the eyes, feeling numbness in body especially hands, fingers and legs. Appearance of lumps on different portions of the skin is another rare symptom of lung cancer. Experiencing severe pain in the abdomen portion is another symptom. Swelling of chest in men is a rare symptom but can occur in some of the patients. Development of lumps in the salivary gland areas is another uncommon symptom of lung cancer.

3 Symptoms of Asbestos Poisoning

There are three main symptoms of asbestos poisoning that you must be aware of. See if these symptoms describe any of the issues that you are facing and quickly see a doctor if something does not seem right. Any time lost with delays can help put you at greater risk for long term illness and pain. Here are the three top symptoms of asbestos exposure, which may lead to lung cancer, asbestosis, and/or mesothelioma:

1.Chest Pain.
Chest pain is the most obvious of the three main symptoms, but it can also be the cause of a number of other disorders, making it more difficult to diagnose clearly. The chest pains may feel like a 'seizing' of your lungs and a stunted breathing pattern.

2.Shortness of Breath.
This is a big one, and one of the first symptoms to generally appear. This can also be related to a number of other issues (including not being in very good physical shape), but you can tell what your body is doing and if you notice a change for the worse and breathing difficulties that seem out of the ordinary then it is time to contact your doctor without delay.

3.Finger Deformity.
This is one of the most shocking and the most disturbing of the symptoms that can come upon someone that has asbestosis. It may take many months or many years to develop and is not present in all cases. There may be rounded and somewhat flattened on the ends, and can be harder to notice.

Keep all of these things in mind if you feel like you may have been exposed to asbestos and are afraid that you might have asbestos poisoning or lung cancer forming. These are very serious matters and should not be taken lightly. There are a number of other issues that may spring up like a resistance to physical exercise and relentless coughing. Especially if you are seeing any kind of blood in your coughing, you must see a doctor straight away.

If you feel that your issues may have been caused by the safety negligence of a company that you have worked for in the past (or are working for currently), make sure to plan on contacting a mesothelioma attorney as well to see if you might be eligible for some kind of cash settlement. Thousands of lawsuits have been won in similar situations as what you may be involved with (and have been exposed to). You should not delay in seeking treatment for these issues nor in seeking legal representation for a potential settlement.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Am I at Risk For Silicosis?

No matter how advanced technology gets, there will always be a need for people to work with the most basic elements of the Earth. One of those elements is called Silica, and it is the second most abundant compound in the Earth's crust. If you've worked with stone, dirt, glass, or sand, then tyou have definitely worked with Silica.

If Silica is so abundant, and there is a illness related to it called Silicosis, then wouldn't this be one of the most prevalent disorders on the planet?

Luckily the answer is no, and this article will explain how you get Silicosis, who might be at risk, and what you can do from a legal standpoint.

What is Silicosis?

Silicosis is a problem that occurs in the lungs when you inhale too much Silica. This inhalation occurs when Silica is ground up into a fine powder and mixed in with the gases we breath.

When the Silica particles enter the lungs, they become lodged in the gas exchange portion of the organ. As a reaction against this foreign body, the lungs develop scar tissue in order to try and isolate and protect the rest of the body from exposure. Over time, this scar tissue builds up, obstructs respiration, and becomes Silicosis.

Am I at Risk for Silicosis?

If you work in an industry that processes Earth in some fashion, it's important to know the details of Silicosis.

Miners are the most at-risk individuals as they are surrounded by the element Silica as it is imbedded in the Earth. This fact alone wouldn't cause the problem, but miners are often engaged in drilling, digging, blasting, etc. All of which stirs up and grinds the silica into a dangerous powder.

Other individuals who might be at risk include foundry workers, stone cutters, masons, sand blasters, and glass cutters.

If you fit one of these job descriptions, or something similar, be certain to maximize your knowledge about Silicosis.

Are There Telltale Silicosis Symptoms?

Unfortunately, most of the symptoms involved with diagnosing Silicosis are rather vague. These can include shortness of breath, fever, coughing, and pain in the chest.

One rather unusual symptom is Cyanosis, which is when the skin takes on a slightly blue hue. Unfortunately this occurs in later stages of the illness and doesn't help as much as early diagnosis.

Silicosis Types and Exposure Length

As exposure varies, so do the types of Silicosis. The most common form is known as 'Chronic', and develops over 10-15 years. This gradual progression can be hard to detect by patients and is often attributed to other problems.

The next type is referred to as accelerated, and occurs only after a few years. This occurs when a patient is exposed to higher doses of Silica, but not an abusively large amount.

The final type is acute, and occurs from significant blasts of exposure. The symptoms of acute Silicosis develop rapidly, and can take effect after months or a single year.

Legal Recourse

It's important for you to assess your possible exposure to Silica dust. If you think you may have been exposed, then you should consult your doctor and pay attention to possible symptoms.

Next you have to decide if over-exposure was due to negligence or poor decision making by your place of employment (or whatever specific situation occurred in order to create your exposure). If you think you may have a case, consult an expert in your area that is experienced in Silicosis and medical oriented legal cases.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

3 Potential Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma is one of the less common types of cancer affecting around 2000 people in the UK each year. It develops when the linings of the lungs or the abdomen start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way. This condition is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos and because of this it is often nicknamed asbestos cancer. If it affects the lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum) it is referred to as peritoneal mesothelioma. In this article I will be outlining three potential symptoms for this type of cancer and discussing the steps you should take if you notice any of these.

The peritoneum (lining of the abdomen) actually has two layers; the inner (visceral) layer which is beside the abdominal organs and the outer (parietal) layer which is next to the abdominal wall. One of the functions of the peritoneum is to secrete a lubricating fluid to allow the abdominal organs to move against one another. When peritoneal mesothelioma occurs it leads to both of these layers becoming thicker. This can then lead to a number of undesirable symptoms that are discussed below:

1) ASCITES:- As the inner and outer layers of the peritoneum become thicker, lubricating fluid can become trapped in this area. This can then lead to a build up of fluid which is referred to as ascites. Ascites can lead to swelling in the abdomen and also cause abdominal pain as the build up of fluid causes the peritoneum to press against the abdominal organs.

2) ABDOMINAL PAIN:- As peritoneal mesothelioma develops and the tumour increases in size it can start to press against the abdominal organs. This often causes abdominal pain and discomfort. As discussed above ascites (another peritoneal mesothelioma symptom) can also lead to abdominal pain.

3) POOR BOWEL FUNCTIONING:- As the tumour increases in size or the ascites cause further swelling the intestines can become blocked. This can make it difficult to excrete waste from the body and also lead to further bowel problems.

If you notice any symptoms similar to those discussed above you should consult your doctor immediately. Upon seeing your doctor you should inform them of the symptoms you have experienced and also tell them if you have previously been in contact with asbestos. Once your doctor has this information they will be able to perform the required tests and determine whether you have peritoneal mesothelioma. Following this they can then discuss the relevant treatment options with you if necessary.

Mesothelioma is one of the rarest types of cancer. In most cases these symptoms will turn out to be something much less serious. However, by seeing your doctor you can get a professional opinion on whether you have mesothelioma or not. If you have had persistent abdominal pains, your abdomen has become swollen or you have had regular bowel problems go see your doctor straight away.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Mesothelioma is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mesothelioma Cancer Symptoms - The Quick List of Symptoms to Be Aware Of

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer affecting about 2,000 people a year, in the U.S. Mesothelioma is a cancer that arises from malignant mesothelial cells that form the sac lining of the chest (the pleura) or the abdomen (the peritoneum).

These Mesothelial cells produce a minute amount of lubricating fluid that helps the lungs expand and allows abdominal organs to move easily against one another.

The disease is associated with asbestos exposure often on the job or in living quarters. And a majority of all cases have come into contact with the substance either through direct contact or inhalation.

Symptoms Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Symptoms of Mesothelioma may include any of the following:

1.Abdominal pain and swelling due to fluid buildup in the abdomen
2.Bowel obstruction
3.Panting or shortness of breath
4.Persistent coughing
5.Loss of weight
6.Fever and chest pain
7.Pain and swelling in abdomen
8.Loss of appetite and nausea
9.Coughing up blood
10.Lower back pain
11.These symptoms are aggravated by an accumulation of fluid in the pleural area, surrounding the lungs, or around the abdomen.

It is important to note that symptoms of mesothelioma are very similar to other common ailments and may not appear until 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the disease and is diagnosed in 2000-3000 people every year. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the next most common form of the disease, but it is relatively rare and is diagnosed in only a few hundred cases per year.

Pleural mesothelioma accounts for 75% of all mesothelioma cases and as stated earlier it affects the respiratory areas of the body such as the lungs.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is occasionally known as diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma, which means that the cancer has expanded to surrounding organs.

Treatment Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Treatment of Mesothelioma depends on many factors, including the stage of the cancer, the circulation of the malignant cells, pathology reports determining the nature of the cancer cells and patient's age and health.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

The earlier symptoms of malignant pleural mesothelioma are very similar to those experienced with other lung conditions, such as pneumonia or lung cancer. Symptoms also tend to present very gradually, and may therefore go unnoticed for a while. Breathlessness is one of the early and more common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. This may present as a recent onset of shortness of breath, or a recent increase in shortness of breath. Breathlessness may be caused by a buildup of fluid (pleural effusion) in the space surrounding the lungs. This buildup of fluid may be removed periodically to make breathing easier. Certain substances may also be introduced into the space between the pleural membranes where fluid collects. These substances cause an inflammatory reaction in the pleural membranes, causing them to fuse together and thereby preventing the formation and collection of more fluid.

The thickening of the pleural membranes due to the growth of cancer cells also restricts lung function and contributes to breathlessness. Sometimes, this thickened tissue may require surgical removal to restore some lung function. The removal process is called decortication or pleurectomy.

Malignant mesotheliomas tend to spread fairly rapidly to other parts of the body, and this spread can result in additional symptoms. When pleural mesothelioma spreads to the chest wall and other tissues in the chest, it can result in severe pain. Even before the cancer spreads, chest pain, particularly in the lower chest and side, may be experienced. Chest pain tends to become progressively worse as the cancer spreads. Severe pain may be treated with strong pain-relieving drugs or with radiotherapy. When pleural mesothelioma spreads to the lungs, symptoms that are typically seen in lung cancer, such as hoarseness and coughing up of blood, may be present.

As with other cancers, the effect of pleural mesothelioma is widespread. The increased metabolism caused by cancer cells results in fever, weight loss and fatigue.

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